
Product Code: prod200
Price: USD 123.98
Upgrade: USD 0.00
Add Items: USD 0.00
Delivery: USD 24.29
Subtotal: USD 123.98
Discount: 0% = USD
Total: USD 0.00
Pink stargazer lilies, pink roses, pink gerberas, purple carnations. Basket and greeting card is included (free) .

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Teddy Bears:

Returning Customers Info

We do not have customer login. We do not store your personal information. Please enter your information below.

You can buy one bouquet per order.

Payment using credit card or debit card with STRIPE

If you pay via STRIPE payments we do not see your credit card or debit card number. All payment details are sent securely and directly to STRIPE.

Pay with:

Recipient (person we will deliver to):

Recipients Name:
Recipients Phone Number:
Recipients Phone Number #2 (optional):
Delivery Date:

Delivery Country:   Algeria
Delivery City:   Sidi ech Chahmi
Delivery Zip / Postal Code:
Delivery Address (in Algeria):
don't know address?

If you don't know the delivery address. In the address box please state the city and instruct us to call the recipient on the phone to ask for their address. We can do this prior to delivery.

Additional Delivery Instructions:
Greeting Card Message (FREE):

Sender (You):

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Zip / Postal Code:
Your Phone Number Your Phone Number:
Billing Address Line 1:
Billing Address Line 2 (optional):
Card Number:
CVV(Last 3-4 digits printed on the BACK of your card):
Expiration (MM/YYYY):
Your eMail-Address:

Delivery: USD 24.29
Total: USD 0.00
incl. 0-
You save USD !

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